Happy Friday

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I’ve been making a very conscious effort to be positive about everything lately. With so much going on in my life right now, and a huge transition about to happen in a week (I graduate for good, EEEK), I want to make sure I’m not getting stressed over the little things when I should be enjoying my last bit of college.

The college years were some of the best I had, and it can only go up from here, right? RIGHT! Well just because I’m graduating a bit early doesn’t mean I should pretend like I’m 40 years old and work my behind off.

So I took inspiration from a fantastic blogger, It’s me, Charlotte. She literally has the greatest life. She, like me, has been dealing with stomach issues for awhile, but has found a diet that works for her and she posts recipes that follow that and look AH-MAZING! BUT she also realized that her stomach issues were not going to disappear so she chose to not let it take over her life. She even decided to become a “digital nomad” and move to from Portland to Copenhagen (my dream!!) and just enjoy the beauty of life while exploring the beautiful city.

So with inspiration from Charlotte, I wanted to sit down this Friday and think of all the little things in life that make me happy lately…

+ a big mug of mulled wine

+ a good sweaty hot yoga class (or anything but a cardio machine)

+ lighting a candle and turning on Christmas lights & music

+ watching the Grinch (who doesn’t love baby Grinch?)

+ get a new haircut

+ wear my new favorite sweater from Banana Republic (it’s black, of course)

+ get coffee with a friend I haven’t seen in awhile

+ explore an outdoor market

+ splurge on a nice meal at one of Minneapolis’ top restaurants

+ breakfast at Colossal Cafe

+ eat Tamales from literally anywhere (kinda)

+ baking literally anything and being able to sit and enjoy eating it

+ drive around and look at all the Christmas lights at night

+ eating pineapple (reminds me of warmer days)

Just thinking about these things cheers me up when the cold temperatures and life events get me down.

So stay positive, people, because even something like a good breakfast can instantly make a better day & attitude.

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  1. indisputableincarnation · December 11, 2015



  2. odessadarling · December 11, 2015

    I, too, am dealing with stomach /medical issues and struggle to stay positive. Thanks for the reminder! Happy Holidays!


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